nanjing weather forecast march
nanjing weather forecast march
# Weather Forecast for Nanjing, China (2025/03/02)
This webpage provides detailed weather forecast information for Nanjing, China for March 2025. The forecast is based on long-term prognosis and statistical data from previous years. According to the current data, Nanjing is experiencing temperatures around 46°F, with tomorrow's (March 3rd) forecast showing temperatures remaining steady at 46°F for both high and low. The webpage displays a complete monthly calendar view of March 2025 with daily high and low temperatures. The early part of March shows significant temperature fluctuations, with the first two days being particularly warm (high of 81-82°F), followed by cooler temperatures. The latter part of the month indicates a warming trend with temperatures gradually increasing to highs of 68°F by month-end.
Key Details
Current temperature: Around 46°F
Tomorrow's forecast: 46°F (high) / 46°F (low)
Monthly pattern: Beginning with warm days (81-82°F), followed by cooler temperatures mid-month, then gradually warming to 68°F by the end of March
Available forecast options: Hourly, Weekly, 10-Day, 14-Day, 30-Day, and Yearly views
Notable temperature range: Throughout March, highs range from 41°F to 82°F, while lows range from 36°F to 64°F
The webpage also offers weather information for nearby Chinese cities and displays global temperature extremes, with Shologontsy, Russia (-60°F) and Roebourne, Australia (111°F) representing the current minimum and maximum temperatures worldwide.